Executive Director, UNADAP
Geopolitical Foreign & Public Policy Advisory
Academia, International Law & Justice
Spiritual Philosopher & Philantropist
TESTIMONY of Dr. Dominic F Dixon
This presentation and webpage is a rebuttal to the allegations made by criminal, Bruce Philipowsky; and has been presented with the support of Bishops, Ministries, Government officials, Diplomatic community, legal officials, family and friends; who stand in solidarity with Dr. Dixon. Any future developments pertaining to this matter, will be collectively challenged by the above mentioned supporters.
INSURANCE/ GPA FRAUD BY BRUCE PHILLIPOWSKY, in trying to cheat his widowed sister-in-law.
Mr. Bruce Phillipowsky had sent an email to his widowed sister-in-law, Mrs. Victoria Gilhooly, asking her to sign an insurance document, when indeed, it was the document for General Power of Attorney. When Mrs. Victoria Gilhooly had contact Dr. Dixon for advice on the same, we had cautioned her about the schemes of the Phillipowsky's and informed the chief of Economic Offenses Wing in Chennai.
Click here for documented evidence...
Record of Bruce Phillipowsky <CLICK>
The above record contains the various aliases that this man has used in various States. Also evidence of him having lived in fifteen different States to avoid criminal charges against him. In this dossier, we have not mentioned the cases against him for fraud, criminality and sexual assault.
6316 Fall River Dr, The Colony, TX 75056-7314

July, 16 2017, Edmonton, Canada

This presentation covers the topic of injustice rendered by international fraud, Mr. Bruce Phillipowsky to Dr. Dominic F Dixon while the latter was still a teenager. In this session, we will only expose certain findings about this man. If required, in the follow-up sessions, we will expose the frauds committed by Phillipowsky, his multiples marriages, illicit relationships, illegal financial dealings, insurance fraud, use of fake names and alias, etc, by this criminal and many more issues in context.
The Canadian government has long exonerated Dr. Dixon of all charges and has rendered him as a person of good character and that all previous charges do not apply to him and he is "no longer considered as a person under section ... of the previous charges." Testament to this claim, is the current status of Dr. Dixon in Canada.

The career con man, Bruce Phillipowksy and his addict sons, Wayne and Ryan, had managed to fool the United Nations with forged documents against Dr. Dominic DIxon
United Nations body clears Dr. Dixon
Dr. Dixon was stationed at the UN HQ in Vienna, Austria, representing CIFAL Bengaluru, an UN body as the Head of R&D. Knowing this, the international fraud and criminal, Bruce Phillipowsky and his accomplices had written to the United Nations Head Quarters in Geneva, Switzerland, falsely alleging that there were on-going cases against Dr. Dominic Dixon of grave concern; in the US and Canada.
After a thorough enquiry by the UN body, it was found that the allegations against Dr. Dixon were falsified, manipulated and were baseless with concocted evidence. It was also asserted that Dr. Dixon's academic credentials and transcripts were verified by the "apostille" of two first world embassies.
Dr. Dixon was issued an apology and compensated. Evidence of this claim, is that Dr. Dixon's name is honourably mentioned on the UN website till date., please verify at http://www.cifal-bangalore.org/team.html
Polic complaints have been file against the criminal family in India, Vienna Austria, Geneva, Switzerland and in Edmonton, Canada. If these criminals ever set foot in these countries, they will be arrested.
© 2023 Dr. Dominic F Dixon - Vienna, Austria